The Ultimate List Of Part Time Work From Home Jobs (13+)
Part time work from home jobs are great opportunities to start making some additional income and have the potential to transition into a full time work from home job or to start an online business. Most people are unaware of just how much jobs allow you to work part time and work from home. I’ve compiled a list of 50+ part time work from home jobs, check them out below and see what role you’re a good fit for.
1. Freelance writer
If you have good writing ability, looking into freelance writing can be a great opportunity to find a part time work from home job. I’m personally a freelance writer and have been doing freelance writing either part time or full time for the last three years. As a freelance writer, you will be working to produce content like blogs, articles, case studies and whitepapers for companies.
Freelance writing doesn’t require an educational background in a degree like English, writing or literature. If you can write well and research topics on Google, you can basically write for any company. I got started with working for tech and IT companies with zero background. I just learned as I wrote each assignment and got better over time.
To get started with freelance writing, pick a niche that you want to specialize in and start marketing towards those clients. For example, I’m mostly an IT/tech freelance writer. I reach out to those types of companies and ask to work with them. You can also use platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to find additional work on there. To learn more about how to get started as a freelance writer, check out my guide here to starting a freelance writing/marketing career.
2. Data entry
Data entry is a great opportunity to get started with a work from home job because the barrier to entry is low. Basically anyone can do data entry if you have a basic understanding of how to use Excel or Google Sheets. As a data entry clerk or specialist, you will work with a company and help plug in data to their systems. You need to be able to type relatively fast because you’ll be inputting a lot of numbers in a given work day.
Most data entry jobs require a high school diploma and pay can be higher depending on your experience. You can definitely make part time income or full time income as a data entry specialist with enough experience. Many data entry specialists use platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to find additional jobs in addition to their job. This can be a part time position and transition into a full time job in the future.
If you’re looking for data entry jobs, I’ve made a list of all the websites you can look at to land a role. You can check it out here.
3. Social media manager
Social media is already a very dominant force in most people’s lives and businesses are hiring social media managers to grow their accounts and gain customers. If you’re very knowledgeable about a particular social media platform, becoming a social media manager can be a great part time work from home job.
As a social media manager, your job will include posting content for your audience, increasing engagement for profiles you manage, growing the audience and more. Most social media manager jobs will let you focus on one platform and growing that audience.
To land a social media manager job, you need to be able to show your employer that you have experience with growing engaging social media accounts. Whether it’s your personal account or an account that you’ve managed, showing experience and expertise will increase your chances of landing a role significantly.
4. Blogger
Blogging is one of the best opportunities to work from home and many companies are hiring bloggers. Companies hire bloggers to help get organic traffic from Google and turn those visitors into customers. As a blogger, your job will include writing blog posts, editing, brainstorming topics and more.
As you blog for other companies, you can start to build your own blog. With blogging, you can create content for your personal brand and monetize it with ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships and more. If you can dedicate a year or two to blogging, it can become a full fledged business that you can manage from anywhere in the world.
5. Copywriter
A copywriter is a writer that writes content to convert customers. Instead of traditional writing jobs like a staff writer or blogger, a copywriter writes content that directly leads to sales. As a copywriter, you’ll write content like emails, landing pages, ads and more.
To be a copywriter, you need a strong writing background in addition to knowledge of best copywriting practices. Since copywriting often leads directly to sales, you can command very high rates as a good copywriter. This can start as a part time work from home job and you can become a staff copywriter for a company or become a freelance copywriter and run your own business.
6. Remote scribe
A remote scribe, also known as a remote medical scribe, is someone who writes and transcribes notes for physicians when they meet patients. A remote medical scribe is just a scribe who works fully remotely. Instead of walking around with a physician in a hospital like a normal scribe, the remote scribe does their work from recordings from physicians.
A remote scribe may help a physician with other administrative work like correcting transcriptions, helping out with paperwork and more. You need to be able to show your employer that you can type quickly (at least 50-60 words per minute).
To get started as a remote scribe, you need to have a high school diploma and have a strong understanding of medical terminology. A medical scribe certification may be required by some organizations.
7. Virtual customer service
If you have any previous customer service experience, a virtual customer service job may be the perfect work from home job for you. With the rise of remote work, there are many virtual customer service jobs available and many are part time jobs. As a virtual customer service representative, you’ll be responsible for handling calls, emails and basic customer questions for your employer.
There are many seasonal and flexible virtual customer service jobs available and many companies do sign on bonuses. To get the job, you’ll need a high school diploma If you’re interested, you can check out the virtual customer service jobs on Indeed here.
8. Transcriptionist
A transcriptionist is another great work from home job that you can do part time. As a transcriptionist, you will document the recordings of clients and turn them into written documents. To succeed at being a transcriptionist, you need to have strong computer skills and be able to type very quickly. Many transcriptionist jobs require a typist testing to get started.
Your pay can vary based on the type of transcription you do. Typically, medical and legal transcriptionists are the most in-demand and highest paid transcriptionists. To get those type of roles you need to be familiar with either medical or legal terminology. To learn more about how a transcriptionist job works, check out this guide here.
9. Tech support specialist
A tech support specialist is very similar to a customer service job, but it primarily focuses on providing tech support for companies. Tech giants like Amazon and Apple hire thousands of tech support specialists each year and pay very well. As a tech support specialist, you will respond to calls, emails and live chats and help with all the technical needs a customer has. You need to have a strong tech background, but many companies offer on the job training.
Your day to day work will involve diagnosing the customers’ issues, resolving software and network issues, educating customers and more. You will need to be able to handle pressure well and have patience as many customers are not pleased when they are having technical issues. You can check out remote tech support jobs here.
10. Video editing
Video editing is becoming an increasingly valuable skills and there’s a high demand for video editors globally. With YouTube being the #2 search engine in world, companies are investing heavily into video content to grow their businesses. This results in a massive demand for video editors and this is a great part time or full time remote working opportunity.
As a video editor, your responsibilities will include creating and editing videos, adding graphics, ensure logical sequences of videos, incorporating effects and more. Many companies will ask you to provide samples of work to gauge your skill level as a video editor. Additionally, most companies don’t require any formal education if you can show you’re a competent video editor.
Video editing is a great part time work from home job to get started with because it’ll open up many opportunities in the future. You can work part time, contract, or full time with a company or a number of companies.
11. Online tutor
Online tutoring and teaching is a great opportunity to explore if you have expertise in a certain subject. The pandemic has opened up exponential opportunities for online tutors and teachers to get jobs with most of the students embracing remote education. There are numerous part time work home job opportunities for great tutors and teachers.
As an online tutor, you will primarily be using tools like Zoom to talk with and teach your students. Additionally, the company you work for will provide many resources to ensure that your students stay on track and learn the subjects remotely.
To get started as online tutor, you need to have a background in the subject you are teaching. Most companies require an undergraduate degree of some kind that shows you are knowledgeable about the subject that you are teaching. There are many platforms like Fiverr and Upwork that will allow you get more clients in addition to your job.
12. Personal training
The pandemic also gave rise to a bunch of remote fitness companies and personal trainers are being hired to work remotely with clients. Fitness and health companies are offering their customers with remote personal training sessions and they need competent personal trainers to train clients remotely with the use of videoconferencing tools like Zoom.
As a remote personal trainer, your job will include onboarding new clients, creating exercise and nutrition plans, conducting training sessions, tracking the client’s progress and more. Companies require you to have a personal training certification or to have completed a similar undergraduate level degree.
Remote personal training is a great part time work from home job because it allows you to brand yourself and you’ll have the opportunity to pursue other jobs or start your own remote personal training business. To learn more about remote personal training, check out this guide.
13. Translation/interpreting
If you’re fluent in multiple languages including English, there’s opportunities for you to make money as a part time translator or interpreter. Companies are hiring remote translators and interpreters to help meet their global clients’ needs. Popular languages that companies need translation services for include Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, German and more.
Many companies will do competency tests to make sure you are knowledgeable enough to translate to and from a language. In addition, companies will prefer candidates that have certifications in a language. This is typically given by a large translation or interpreting institute like the American Translator’s Association. You can check out the different language certifications that the American Translator’s Association offers here.
Specific industries like healthcare and law pay translators and interpreters higher wages because of their understanding of medical or legal terminology. If you can technical translations for contracts and legal documents, you can earn much more than the average translator or interpreter.
You can become an online translator or interpreter by making your own site and branding yourself, working with an agency or applying directly to jobs. To learn more about how to become a translator or interpreter, check out this guide here.